Info-Atari16 Digest Fri, 6 Dec 91 Volume 91 : Issue 641 Today's Topics: 38400 bps on a MegaSTe? Atari Spirit (2 msgs) Atari Transputer System? CACHEXXX.PRG Where can I find it? DESKTOP.INF - How do I install two or more extensions for a file Info-Atari16 Digest V91 #640 Intermittent Boot Problem on MEGA4 New version of Omega STEs ST sounds to Sparc .au format. TELTEXT Adaptor for the ST TT Bus Architecture TT prices (3 msgs) UnixWindows (2 msgs) vt100 emulation ZIP for the ST Welcome to the Info-Atari16 Digest. The configuration for the automatic cross-posting to/from Usenet is getting closer, but still getting thrashed out. Please send notifications about broken digests or bogus messages to Info-Atari16-Request@NAUCSE.CSE.NAU.EDU. Please send requests for un/subscription and other administrivia to Info-Atari16-Request, *NOT* Info-Atari16. Requests that go to the list instead of the moderators are likely to be lost or ignored. If you want to unsubscribe, and you're receiving the digest indirectly from someplace (usually a BITNET host) that redistributes it, please contact the redistributor, not us. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Date: 6 Dec 91 08:54:49 GMT From: noao!ncar!!swrinde!mips!!wupost!!com!actrix! (Roger Sheppard) Subject: 38400 bps on a MegaSTe? To: In article <> (Donald Acton) writes: > In article (Bart Jaszcz) writes: > }There is a desk accessory from germany called HSPD_232 that will set > }the port to 38400 or higher (57800 bps, I think)... It would work on a > }16 mhz Mega STe with no problems. > } > > This is the second time I have seen someone mention software to run > the serial link at 38K, the first time being several months ago. Is > this software a commercial product, shareware or something that can be > freely distributed? I tried to locate it at a number of archive sites > and I have also used archie and wais software to try to locate this > program but no luck. If this software is something that can be freely > distributed I'd appreciate it if someone could email me a copy, post > it to the appropriate atari binary group or place it on some internet > archive site where I could ftp it. > > Thanks > Donald > Well all good Atari USA usres should be on GEnie were you will find that file, you can search under its name.. Note: GEnie is the Main Support BBS in the USA... -- *** Roger W. Sheppard * *** *** 85 Donovan Rd * * GEnie. R.SHEPPARD5 *** *** Kapiti At least I don't Flicker, *** *** New Zealand.. * not like a dying light globe *** ------------------------------ Date: 6 Dec 91 07:46:18 GMT From: fernwood!portal!! Subject: Atari Spirit To: >Is Analog magazine still going???????? What about that other one, >I forget the name, oh yah, Antic (aka: Antique), is that still >around? Nope... Atari Corp. killed ANALOG magazine years ago, just like they killed ANTIC and more recently START magazine. They also killed ROM magazine, and ST Applications. About all you can get these days is Atari Interface and Current Notes, unless you want to read the Atari "official" magazine, Atari Explorer. Of course, if you want to read about what's going on in Europe, there are several choices, some of which are even in English..! BobR ------------------------------ Date: 6 Dec 91 11:05:48 GMT From: noao!ncar!!swrinde!mips!!rpi!! milton! (Michael Park) Subject: Atari Spirit To: In article <> writes: > > ... Atari Corp. killed ANALOG magazine years ago, just like they >killed ANTIC and more recently START magazine. They also killed >ROM magazine, and ST Applications. > ... >BobR Are you saying that those magazines are no longer around because of Atari Corp.'s _direct_ actions, and not just because of low readership, lack of advertising, or what-not? -- Ciao-abunga! +-------------------------------------+ Michael Park | This space intentionally left blank | +-------------------------------------+ ------------------------------ Date: 6 Dec 91 12:53:24 GMT From: noao!ncar!!swrinde!!rpi!news-server.!utgpu!cunews!nrcnet0!! Subject: Atari Transputer System? To: I have heard Atari is working on a Transputer based system. Anyone with info or confirmation of this rumor? Please reply by mail unless you want your reply posted as I don't follow this conference. Thanks in advance. Ian Nunn ------------------------------ Date: 6 Dec 91 10:39:22 GMT From: mcsun!sun4nl!alchemy! (Piet van Oostrum) Subject: CACHEXXX.PRG Where can I find it? To: I have CACHE050.PRG in my AUTO folder and found a problem with accessing the floppy drive under Gulam. When I change the floppy, some of the information from the old floppy is still in the cache. directory listings are mostly correct, i.e. from the new floppy, but when I ask for the free space (df a) I get the amount from the previous floppy. Does anybody know a way around this. I.e. is there a way to flush the cache on a disk swap. Ideally cache.prg should detect this automatically. -- Piet* van Oostrum, Dept of Computer Science, Utrecht University, Padualaan 14, P.O. Box 80.089, 3508 TB Utrecht, The Netherlands. Telephone: +31 30 531806 Uucp: uunet!mcsun!ruuinf!piet Telefax: +31 30 513791 Internet: (*`Pete') ------------------------------ Date: 5 Dec 91 22:22:43 GMT From:!!bison!sys6626! (Marco) Subject: DESKTOP.INF - How do I install two or more extensions for a file To: (Ray Wallace) writes: > In article , > >How do I edit the DESKTOP.INF file so that it recognizes two (or three) > >filename extensions for a particular application? For example, I would > > Use appropriate menu to install the application for the first extension, then > save the desktop. Now edit desktop.inf, duplicate (or triplicate :-) the line > which contains the name of the application in question, then change the > extension at the end of the line. NOTE: Change JUST the extension! Don't > remove the space at the end of the line, etc... If you are using a > wordprocessor make sure you save the file in "ASCII" format. I wrote a program to do this a month or so ago. This wasn't its main function, but it did it just fine. It was really to install applications properly (something TOS 1.0 and 1.02 don't do...right). I could e-mail it to anyone that wants it... +---------------------------------------------------------------------+ | John Perry*Voice (204)783-0812*Internet | +---------------------------------------------------------------------+ ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 6 Dec 91 02:06 CST From: Fighting for peace is like fucking for virginity Subject: Info-Atari16 Digest V91 #640 To: I have a 2 month old 520STE. It has 4, count 'em 4, sockets for memory expansion. It has Tos 1.62. It is truly the greatest. Try Micro Computer Depot in South Carolina - they might have 'em in stock... Brook ------------------------------ Date: 6 Dec 91 01:10:03 GMT From:!!!uflorida!!p i! (Mickey Boyd) Subject: Intermittent Boot Problem on MEGA4 To: In article <> (Dr J E F Skea) writes: >A friend has left me with his Atari Mega 4 (bought in the STates) to >test, claiming that it wouldn't boot off his hard disk, and could I >test it with another hard disk please. Duly done, I find that it will >boot first time about 20% of the time, about 30% of the time it will >drag itself up on the 2nd-5th attempt, and the other 50% of the time it >bombs out. > >As it doesn't seem to be a hard disk problem, I'm supposing it's a CPU >fault. Does this behaviour ring any bells out there? I seem to recall >earlier messages on faulty chips (though I think they were for the >ST-FM so I didn't pay too much attention). > This is common if you are using the reset key. I personally use Universal Item Selector 3's built in cold boot (-), which works fine in mono (but sometimes bombs when using the color monitor ?!?). There is also a utility called sleep, and another called coldboot which can be put on the boot floppy (in an auto folder) to allow you to turn on both computer and hard disk at the same time. You set sleepxx.prg with the number of seconds to wait (replace the xx in the filename), then have it execute coldboot.prg. When it reboots (now that the hard disk is ready), it will boot from the hard disk. UIS3 is well worth the small cost. It provides much more than just that hot key! -- ---------------------------------+------------------------------------- Mickey R. Boyd | "Come to your senses professor FSU Computer Science | Fernberg. You did not transcend Technical Support Group | the time-space continuum. You email: | got drunk in a topless bar." ---------------------------------+------------------------------------- ------------------------------ Date: 6 Dec 91 08:49:17 GMT From: DUTIKOS.TUDELFT.NL! (Hildo Biersma) Subject: New version of Omega To: Hello all, I ftp'ed a new version of the dungeon game Omega to atari.archive today. This new version was needed because the last version had a serious bug, causing the game to crash quite often when loading a saved game. This bug has been corrected in the new version so, if you are playing this game, please switch to the new version! If you don't have FTP but want to get a copy of the game archive (261 Kb), mail me on Bye, Hildo Biersma ------------------------------ Date: 4 Dec 91 19:22:00 GMT From: noao!ncar!!swrinde!! !!!!artcom0!!!Thorsten_Diet (Thorsten Dietrichkeit) Subject: STEs To: t>By the way, does anyone have ST-Es out there? What is the difference t>between t>them and a normal ST? Has any major software been written for the ST-E yet? - 16 MHz and cache - new 2.0x desktop - VME-bus - a socket for an 68881-16 - 2 RS-232 ports - stereo sound - LAN-interface - hardware-scrolling - 4096 colours - memory can be upgraded by SIPs Thorsten Dietrichkeit - germany - ------------------------------ Date: 5 Dec 91 21:09:53 GMT From: mcsun!uknet!sersun1!! (Wood C M) Subject: ST sounds to Sparc .au format. To: Atari Netters, Does anyone know of a program at a.a or elsewhere that can convert sounds like those in the sounds directory at a.a to the SunSparc .au format. I have ftp access. Cheers. Chris W. --------------------------------------------------------------------- Chris Wood, |Pretentious Quote: "Uzi Nine Millimetre" | University Of Essex. | (Shakespeare) | |Disclaimer: I never wear fluffy pink slippers.| ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 06 Dec 91 10:34:17 GMT From: Dave Wade Subject: TELTEXT Adaptor for the ST To: Some one asked about these about a week ago. Unfortunatly direct mail bounced. A company in the UK called MICROTEXT advertise an international teltext adaptor at 170 Uk pounds. Tel 0705-595694. Address 7 Birdlip Close, Horndean, Hant, PO8 9PW, England. +------------------------------------------------------------+ | VM Sysprogs do it virtually all of the time !!!!! | | Reply To:- | | Janet:- DAVEW@UK.CO.SSS.D | | Bitnet:-DAVEW@D.SSS.CO.UK (Also most places outside UK) | +------------------------------------------------------------+ ------------------------------ Date: 6 Dec 91 13:43:59 GMT From: mcsun!!sunic!!! (Mattias Karlgren) Subject: TT Bus Architecture To: I know much have been said about the TT-busarchitecture so I thougth I would clear things out (hopefully). I am sorry I have to disappoint most of you, but here comes the truth (atleast it is what I currently think the truth is). As you probably know there are two types of memory in the TT, called ST-RAM an TT-RAM. I will deal with the ST-RAM first. I will start with some facts: The 68030 runs at 32MHz. The bus runs in sync although the 68030 <-> ram interface runs in async.. The bus runs in the same speed as the ST. Half (almost) of accesstime to the memory is taken by the videosystem. The 68030 and the DMA-channels share the other half. Note that the above statements concerns ST-RAM. This means that the bus doesn't run on 16MHz. I am sorry to say this but the truth is that it runs at 4MHz. The reasons this slow speed is used are: Remain ST-compability - this means that you got to have the same bus speed or a multiple of it. If you double the speed to 8MHz you got to have memory that cycles at 125nS and these are very expensive. Are you kiddin? I bougth some 100nS-SIMMs last week and they were really cheap! I hear. But 100nS-SIMMs doesn't cycle at 100nS (it is their accesstime), they cycle at about 190nS. In fact there are no SIMMs that cycle at 125nS. I won't write anymore about this as I guess it is giong to be a debate on this (I hope). One more comment before we go to the much more exiting TT-RAM. The ST-RAM appears to be 64bit wide to the video-logic, that is the reason the TT- resolutions are 4 times better than the ST-resolutions (disregarding o-scan). I am not so sure about the TT-RAM so it is mostly going to be speculations. The TT-RAM has nothing to do with the ST so there are no compability-strains. The 68030 <-> TT-RAM interface uses something called burstmode. This means that the 68030 fetches 16 bytes from memory in one burst. After the first long word that takes 2 cycles the remaining 3 long words can be fetched in one cycles each (remember I am not sure about this). But that means you need a memory that cycles at 30nS. In a burst all the bytes are rigth after each other. DRAMs are designed so that you first give them a row adress and then a column adress. This takes time so most DRAM have a feature that lets you give them the row and then just change the column. In this way you can get a great cycling-speed, 100nS DRAMs cycles about 60nS! Which is two clock- cycles meaning 16MHz bus-transfer! But bursting isn't happening all the time, only when getting new instructions to 68030 if I have understood it correctly. Otherwise it is going to cycle at 190nS meaning 4-5MHz. I hope that the TT supports faster memory then 100nS, that is what the TT Hardware Referance said (but that also said that the 68030 runs on 16MHz). This is my first article on the news ever so I hope it will work out. Please tell me if I am wrong on anything I have written here (I wanna know). Thanks for the attention. Mattias Karlgren e-mail: - Only when you know a lot you realise how little you know. ------------------------------ Date: 4 Dec 91 04:47:44 GMT From: noao!ncar!asuvax!!!!samsu ng!umich!sharkey!wybbs!therip! (Rod Fulk) Subject: TT prices To: Well guy, As I said before there are too third party devices. SCSI is a standard interface. All you need is a unix driver for these things and things such as CDroms, tape backup units etc will work. You don't need to buy third party packages designed especially for the atari. Just face it. The TT IS a good choice if you want unix. However it might be a bad choice if you want to have local support to take your machine to and ask questions. Although my experience with most dealers is they don't know anything. They just sell their machines. (VERY few dealers are exceptions to the rule.) * Origin: The R.I.P. (616)235-2313 [HST] (1:228/24) ------------------------------ Date: 4 Dec 91 05:10:46 GMT From: noao!ncar!asuvax!!samsung!umich!sharkey!wybbs!therip!FredGate@ariz (Rod Fulk) Subject: TT prices To: RC> From: (Richard Covert) RC> Organization: The Capital Area Central Texas Unix Society RC> Reply-To: (Richard Covert) RC> In article <91336.143630ONM07@DMSWWU1A.BITNET> RC> ONM07@DMSWWU1A.BITNET writes: >In article <>, (Richard Covert) says: >>&suff deleteda > >According to Atari Germany, a fully equipped TT (16 M Fast RAM, 340 MB >Harddisk, 19" monochrome monitor) will be available >for less than 10000 DM >(translate : $5000). >Julian F. Reschke, Hensenstr. 142, D-4400 Muenster, >Phone: ++49 251 861241 >____________________ correct me if I'm wrong RC> _____________________________ RC> Well, Julian it sounds like you live in Germany, so I guess you RC> would know more about what happens there then me. But I do know that RC> many Atari products are sold in Germany which NEVER make it to the RC> USA. So, just because the ASV is sold for about $5,000 USA$ in Germany RC> does NOT mean that it will even be sold here in the USA. RC> Want more examples? Gesh the thing is in beta test you moron... Of course its not for sale yet. But of course you know everything about everything... RC> What about the mytical Atari CD ROM drives. Years ago Atari Corp promised RC> a USA CD ROM drive. Which never happened. Just this year Atari Corp RC> promised a SCSI-based CD ROM drive for the Mega STe/TT machine. But RC> now Atari has dropped that as well. No they haven't.. Where you been? They are just repackaging a unit made by someone else. I saw a message a while back on GEnie stating that the software drivers are done finally and will be available soon. With these drivers any of MANY SCSI CD-ROMs are available for use. Kinda like the HD utils 5.0. Which now can be used by any scsi host adapter that is compatible. I am not sure of the unit they are repackaging but I think its a Sony mech. The company they were dealing with before drug their feet. Realise that simular to the Lynx and Portfolio, Atari did not design the new CD-ROMS. They are just repackaging a unit made by someone else. But the software is done that will allow you to run ANY SCSI CD-ROM player that is compatible with some standard. (I think it was a sony standard.) Anyhow the CD-ROMS are available or will be as soon as the software is shipped out. RC> And what about the new TOS 2.06? Germany says it will be sold, but RC> Atari Corp USA says "Not Now". RC> So, my point is that you can't trust Atari Corp, especially for a RC> $5,000 + computer!! RC> . Atari has NOT said "Not now". All that I have seen is that the roms will be available shortly but if you want to upgrade an older machine with ROMS to small then thats your problem to get them to work. A german board will allow the 2.06 upgrade. Since its not an official Atari product they are not willing to say that the ST's are upgradeable to 2.06. All the newer Ste's should have 2.06 as well as the TT's having 3.06. By mid 1992 when the Atari Unix should be ready (Just a guess here....) there should be LOTS of third party upgrade paths that should make the definition of a full blown TT very hard to describe. Atari has been known to sell upgrades for outrageous prices. Thats what third parties are for. BTW, whats your problem? You are starting to sound as bad as Bob Retelle. Are you related to him or something? * Origin: The R.I.P. (616)235-2313 [HST] (1:228/24) ------------------------------ Date: 6 Dec 91 11:41:29 GMT From: noao!asuvax!!!!unix.cis.p!dsinc!!tredysvr!cellar! (Thomas Darling) Subject: TT prices To: (Richard Covert) writes: > Sorry folks but it is time to buy a real machine with local > dealers. Like a Mac or even a Messy Dos PC clone!! Richard, you're becoming rather tiresome. If you read this newsgroup, you know that Atari ST users have work to do: in DTP, in MIDI, and now in the UNIX world. Apparently, though, all you've figured out how to do with your computer is indulge in some worldwide electronic whining. We've tolerated your ignorant observations and downright LIES (As in TT Unix not working with third-party peripherals -- ever heard of SCSI, Rich?) for long enough, and you've been shown to be nothing more than a bandwidth waster with few facts or sense. The right thing for you to do would be to apologize for wasting our time, and leave. If you don't own an ST/TT, why do you read this group? This is not comp.sys. amiga.advocacy. We don't enjoy your insecurity. Take your "my computer is better" juvenalia to a group that will be impressed by it. If you do own one, you obviously haven't figured out how to use it. Please sell it and take a hike or cease your snivelling hypocracy. ~%~%~%~%~%~%~%~%~%~\\\~%~%~%~%~%~%~%~%~%~%~%~%~%~%~%~%~%~%~%~%~%~%~%~%~%~%~% \\\ Thomas Darling * record production * dance re-mixing uunet!cellar!darling \\\ Fact HQ Studio * The Cellar BBS:215/336-9503 * FACT v%v%v%v%v%v%v%v%v%v%v%\\\%v%v%v%v%v%v%v%v%v%v%v%v%v%v%v%v%v%v%v%v%v%v%v%v%v% ------------------------------ Date: 6 Dec 91 04:50:13 GMT From: boulder!ucsu!horton.Colorado.EDU! (CHU JEFFREY) Subject: UnixWindows To: This is actually a IBM PC question, but with ST related issues, so sorry about this. I have UnixWindows for the ST, but is it also available for the PC? (like for Win 3.0? or OS/2?). I know it was originally made for the MAC, but later for the ATARI STs. I sold my monochrome for the ST and need to use this program, so anyone know of the program for the PC? Thanks, Jeff ------------------------------ Date: 6 Dec 91 04:47:05 GMT From: boulder!ucsu!horton.Colorado.EDU! (CHU JEFFREY) Subject: UnixWindows To: This is actually a IBM PC question, but with ST related issues, so sorry about this. I have UnixWindows for the ST, but is it also available for the PC? (like for Win 3.0? or OS/2?). I know it was originally made for the MAC, but later for the ATARI STs. I sold my monochrome for the ST and need to use this program, so anyone know of the program for the PC? Thanks, Jeff ------------------------------ Date: 6 Dec 91 04:57:16 GMT From: noao!ncar!!swrinde!!!zaphod.mps.!! (Sharon L Skwara) Subject: vt100 emulation To: In article <> (David Holland) writes: >I use an ancient version of ST-Talk Pro for my vt100 emulation - > I understand Flash is the standard. > >David Holland - Actually, Uniterm 2.0e probably has the best VT100 emulation available. Also, the demo program ZCTERM works quite well as well... ------------------------------ Date: 2 Dec 91 10:15:40 GMT From: psinntp!tfd!afp!gna!linn! (Marco Fris) Subject: ZIP for the ST To: In a message of <22 Nov 91 18:26:07>, gpinzone@GEORGE.POLY.EDU (2:320/100.1) writes: > From: gpinzone@GEORGE.POLY.EDU (Gerard Pinzone) > Reply-To: > Organization: Polytechnic Univ., Farmingdale NY and East Coast Anime > Summary: Something about ZIP for the ST > > I need a program that ZIP's files on the ST. Currently, there only > exists a beta version of one on and it's really > buggy. I use STZIP v 0.9 without any problems. --- And now ... number one ... The Larch. or ------------------------------ End of Info-Atari16 Digest ******************************